Unpaved roads are commonly seen in rural areas, remote locations, construction sites, and mining operations throughout the Pacific Northwest. These roadbeds often consist of various gravels, local rocks, sand, and small soil particles.
When vehicles and equipment are moved across these unpaved roadbeds in dry conditions it can create a significant amount of dust. This can obscure vision, cause respiratory distress, and pose a myriad of safety risks for motorists and operators.
Some municipalities and operations will attempt to solve the problem of fugitive dust by having a water truck apply water to the unpaved roadbed. While this might prove to be a short-term solution, it is not very cost-effective in the long term.
Fuel costs, man hours, travel time, and water acquisition in dry conditions can all drive costs up. Over time, the excess water can also degrade the roadbed, contribute to potholes, and washboarding, as well as berm erosion.
In a situation like this, you should consider contacting Blue Line Transportation Company’s headquarters in Portland, Oregon, to inquire about Cargill Salt’s Dust-off®. This is a cost-effective dust control agent that draws moisture from the air. Its hygroscopic effect maintains optimum moisture on the roadbed to suppresses more fugitive dust per gallon than water.
If you need a cost-effective method for controlling fugitive dust on unpaved roads in your area, you should call 503-279-2600 to speak to a Blue Line Transportation Company representative about Cargill Salt’s Dust-off®.