









EBS-RA is an Environmentally Friendly Paving Alternative

Many paving companies and municipalities are becoming more and more ecologically conscious about the products they use to rejuvenate paved road surfaces. Here at Blue Line Transportation Company, we are proud to offer EBS-RA to meet these needs. This is an ecologically friendly modified polymer that is created by our partner company EnviRoad® to be used in multiple cold mix paving... read more »

Dust Control Measures Can Reduce Annual Costs

In the summer, fugitive dust particles on unpaved roads can prove hazardous in several different ways. This drives many rural municipalities, townships, and road construction companies to look for cost-effective dust control measures. Here in the Pacific Northwest, Blue Line Transportation Company is proud to offer several different options to control dust on unpaved roads. Some entities prefer calcium chloride... read more »

Blueline MicroCoat™ Is a Cost-Effective Seal Coating Solution

Over the course of the last four decades, Blue Line Transport Company has developed a reputation for delivering high-quality fuels, asphalt products and seal coating solutions all across the Pacific Northwest. For companies in search of cost-effective, high-quality seal coating solutions, we offer MicroCoat™. It was developed in our Portland Laboratory to address common road surface issues and weather conditions... read more »

Dust Control and Base Stabilization Are Important in Maintaining Unpaved Roads

If you operate a rural municipality or county road maintenance department, then you likely have annual concerns about the maintenance of unpaved roads. Roadbed erosion, washboarding, potholes, eroded berms, and dust control problems can cost excessive man hours and equipment maintenance costs. In recent years, environmental regulations and public opinion have started to frown on the use of chloride-based dust... read more »

Agricultural Operations Require Unpaved Road Maintenance

If you operate a farm or other large-scale agricultural interest, then you know the importance of well-maintained field and unpaved roads. The inconvenience, potential damage and downtime caused by washboard roads and fugitive dust can be a significant problem. In some cases, it could even cause interruptions during a period of peak operation. Many operators will turn to the practice... read more »

Spring Preparedness Is the Key to Summer Success

If you are a road construction contractor or director of a municipal road maintenance department, you face any number of logistical challenges each summer. As you know, planning out the basic execution of the projects ahead is only one part of a very large equation. Ancillary issues, such as the supplying and transportation of materials, are also of critical importance.... read more »

Blue Line Transportation Company Can Help Maintain Roads for Military Training

Military training maneuvers often call for transporting troops, materials, and vehicles from one location to another. This might require the development of new roads or increased maintenance of existing unpaved roads. Blue Line Transportation Company can provide easy-to-transport products that can be safely applied to control fugitive dust particles and can stabilize load-bearing capacity materials. This can be used to... read more »

Blue Line Transportation Company Can Provide Ecologically Friendly Dust Control Products to Maintain Mining Roads

Operating an open pit mine, quarry, or gravel pit involves a significant amount of logistics and infrastructure. This means that road maintenance is important on multiple levels. Fugitive dust particles on unpaved roads can pose serious safety concerns. At the same time, corrugation and erosion of a road bed can also increase maintenance costs. In the past, many people working... read more »

Blue Line Transportation Company Offers Anti-Icer to Maintain Paved Surfaces

Inclement winter weather can cause harrowing road conditions on mountain passes, bridges and other paved surfaces. Conditions can vary wildly depending on temperature, elevation, time of day, and road traffic. Snow and ice on roads, parking lots, sidewalks and other paved surfaces can prove hazardous to motorists and pedestrians. Blue Line Transportation Company offers an Anti-icer that is specially formulated... read more »