Here at Blue Line Transportation Company, we intimately understand how important it is to maintain and repair your trucks and tankers. Downtime caused by mechanical breakdowns or the lack of regular maintenance makes it hard to meet your project deadlines and it can even hurt your bottom line. Fortunately, we have a highly trained and experienced repair staff that can... read more »
Volatile organic compounds, also known as VOCs, have been used as a binder emulsion in asphalt paving for decades. In recent years, the Environmental Protection Agency has passed regulations limiting the use and emissions associated with these VOC asphalt products. To meet the demand for more ecological paving measures, Blue Line Transportation has partnered with Enviroad® to offer paving contractors... read more »
In past years, using calcium chloride and magnesium chloride dust control agents was the industry’s standard method for controlling dust on unpaved roads. Throughout the course of the 1980’s and 1990’s, government agencies and many companies became more conscious of the ecological impact of these agents. On a practical level, they had the potential to pollute local watersheds while also... read more »
Cascade Petroleum Transportation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Blue Line Transportation providing bulk transportation of high-quality petroleum products and fuels throughout the Pacific Northwest. Since 2001, we have worked to develop long-standing good relationships with area fuel suppliers. This allows us to deliver gas, diesel, jet fuel, AV-Gas and light oils to customers 24 hours a day, seven days... read more »
The Blue Line Transportation has earned a long-standing reputation for producing and transporting high-quality road construction products throughout the Pacific Northwest. Our fleet also includes a large number of application vehicles and technicians who are trained in applying all of the products we offer. This can help you augment your own equipment or completely outsource to us as a subcontractor.... read more »
Unpaved aggregate roadbeds can develop subtle changes related to weather, season and frequency of use. Frequent rain events promote roadbed erosion. On the other end of the spectrum, dry conditions can allow dust particulate to become airborne, creating threats to vehicular safety and respiratory health. Blue Line Transportation offers base stabilization products like Earthbind® Stabilizer and Earthbind® Prime Coat for... read more »
For over four decades, has provided and shipped asphalt products all across the Pacific Northwest. This includes a wide variety of dust control products for treating unpaved roadbeds. The dust generated by the passage of traffic on unpaved roads leads directly to road deterioration and sediment run-off, and can also pose other ecological threats to local watersheds and wildlife.... read more »
Portland, OR, October 25, 2016– Blue Line Transportation, bulk commodities transportation and asphalt manufacturer, announced today the hiring of C. Andrew Clayton as Technical Director. "I am excited to join such a great organization that focuses on producing a quality product and delivering excellent customer service,” said Clayton. “I know my years of technical manufacturing experience and product development will... read more »
Blue Line Transportation and our subsidiary, Cascade Petroleum Transportation, have a long established reputation in the Pacific Northwest for meeting our clients’ bulk transportation needs for fuel, petroleum and asphalt products. We take pride in our customer service and the high quality of our equipment speaks to that fact. The tanker trucks and equipment in our asphalt fleet are capable... read more »
Based out of Portland, Oregon, Blue Line Transportation offers a wide variety of services and products to road construction companies throughout the Pacific Northwest. We understand that no two road construction projects are alike. To rise to this challenge, we offer custom-mix designs of asphalt emulsions to meet the needs of your particular project. In some cases, this might call... read more »