Military training maneuvers often call for transporting troops, materials, and vehicles from one location to another. This might require the development of new roads or increased maintenance of existing unpaved roads.
Blue Line Transportation Company can provide easy-to-transport products that can be safely applied to control fugitive dust particles and can stabilize load-bearing capacity materials. This can be used to stabilize and maintain roads, helipads, and airfields that are critical for training operations.
Our dedicated fleet can apply Earthbind® 100 to unpaved road beds. This is a modified biopolymer that is a matrix between small particles and aggregate materials. Since it isn’t water soluble, rainfall will not wash it out of the roadbed. This reduces erosion issues and saves money in maintenance and reapplication costs.
We also offer Earthbind Stabilizer to stabilize a newly developed roadbed or an older unpaved road that needs preparation for paving. It is a bituminous-modified biopolymer and soil stabilization agent that was developed to meet the broad stabilization needed for effective base stabilization. It works by binding loose soil or aggregate particles together in a matrix.
In addition, Earthbind Stabilizer will not re-solubilize in rainwater after curing, which saves money in long-term maintenance and reapplication costs. This can be especially helpful if your military installation or training grounds is in an area that is known to have high seasonal rainfall.
Earthbind 100 and Earthbind Stabilizer can both be stored in concentration. This allows you to store more materials on site, saving on storage and transportation costs.
If you have a military installation or training ground with dust control and road maintenance issues, you can always call 503-279-2600 to speak to someone at Blue Line Transportation Company headquarters in Portland, Oregon.