Operating an open pit mine, quarry, or gravel pit involves a significant amount of logistics and infrastructure. This means that road maintenance is important on multiple levels. Fugitive dust particles on unpaved roads can pose serious safety concerns. At the same time, corrugation and erosion of a road bed can also increase maintenance costs.
In the past, many people working mines and pits would spray water on the road beds to trap fugitive dust particles. To do this, they needed to redirect or pump excess water from the lower levels of the pit. This can increase daily operating costs and reallocate man hours that would be better spent elsewhere. If your operation is in a traditionally arid location, this can be exceedingly expensive.
One cost-effective and ecological way to address these issues is to have Blue Line Transportation Company apply Earthbind® 100 to the pertinent road beds. This is a specially formulated modified biopolymer that is a matrix of small particles and aggregate materials.
Since it isn’t water soluble, seasonal rainfall will not easily wash Earthbind 100 out of the roadbed. Not only does this reduce erosion issues, but it also saves money in maintenance and reapplication costs. Earthbind 100 is also designed to meet environmental protection laws. This helps you maintain compliance with government regulations.
If you have a quarry, open pit, mine, or gravel pit with dust control and road maintenance issues, you can always call 503-279-2600 to speak to someone at Blue Line Transportation Company headquarters in Portland, Oregon.