Blue Line Transportation Company for Bulk Hauling of Asphalt Materials

Blue Line Transportation Company for Bulk Hauling of Asphalt Materials

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Blue Line Transportation specializes in bulk transportation of asphalt materials and through hit’s subsidiary, Cascade Petroleum Transportation haul diesel, gasoline and AV Gas. We have a dedicated team capable of hauling 35-ton loads in insulated tanker equipment. The refined tanker fleet can haul loads in excess of 10,000 gallons.

Blue Line’s manufacturing facility was designed and built in 2010 with an emphasis on versatility and consistency. We manufacture asphalt emulsions and dust control products. Our dedicated fleet or distributor trucks has been outfitted with the capacity and technology to meet our client’s needs.

Every one of the distributor trucks in our fleet is equipped with Bearcat Computerized Rate Control systems that guarantee accurate application rates of asphalt or dust control materials. Additionally, all of the distributor trucks have also been equipped with heaters that keep the materials at a consistent temperature required for that particular application.

While we are located in the Pacific Northwest, Blue Line Transportation Company has developed a reputation for excellent service of our client needs all across the country. We have even served our client’s international needs when the need arises.

To learn more about our bulk transportation services, or to place an order, please feel free to call us at 503-279-2600. We look forward to meeting your bulk transportation needs!