Earthbind® Stabilizer

Earthbind® Stabilizer is a quality, versatile bituminous modified biopolymer soil stabilization agent. Earthbind® Stabilizer was developed to meet the need for a quality and cost-effective soil stabilizer and dust palliative that can be safely stored and easily applied.

Earthbind® Stabilizer works by binding loose soil or aggregate particles together, strengthening and waterproofing the soil and aggregate matrix. In addition, Earthbind® Stabilizer will not re-solubilize in rainwater after curing.

Earthbind® Stabilizer is sold and transported in a concentrate and is diluted with water prior to application. Earthbind® Stabilizer has been used to stabilize and control dust on the surface, base, sub-bases and subgrades of unpaved roads, parking lots and other road bases for the industrial, mining, military, private and public market sectors.

As a soil stabilizer, Earthbind® Stabilizer provides:

  • Increased density
  • Increased stability
  • Waterproofing
  • Decreased aggregate replacement costs
  • Decreased grading costs
  • Simple application using a water truck or pressurized distributor truck
  • Easy clean up – washes off of equipment and vehicles before curing

Earthbind® Stabilizer can be transported throughout the U.S. and Canada, and we can ship internationally. Some options for delivery include:

  • Bulk Tanker Trucks
  • Rail Cars
  • Flexitanks
  • IBC Totes – 275 or 330 gallon

Please contact us today at Blue Line Transportation Co. to learn more about Earthbind® Stabilizer and to place your order.

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