Earthbind® Non-Tracking Bonding Coat (NTBC-41) is a quality, versatile and environmentally friendly penetrating bonding coat emulsion used for Mill & Fill and Chip Seal paving systems.
Earthbind NTBC-41 works by binding loose soil, dust or aggregate particles together from mill and fill operation, thus strengthening the soil-aggregate matrix and preventing even the smallest particles from becoming airborne as fugitive dust. This creates optimal conditions to bind the new asphalt products to the existing road base. Earthbind NTBC-41 cures quickly to eliminate dust and will not pick-up on equipment. Earthbind NTBC-41 in best used in operation where hard to clean surfaces need to be tack coated to adhere the new surfaces treatment like a chip seal, slurry seal, parking lot sealer or even a new overlay.
Earthbind NTBC-41) is formulated with eco-friendly biopolymers and surfactants and does not contain any volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Earthbind NTBC-41:
- Efficiently binds surface fines together and promotes bonding to a new surface treatment
- Improves efficiency with a Non-tracking tack coat cures quickly so paving can move rapidly down the roadway
- Reduces end-of-day clean-up, wear and tear on equipment since NTBC-41 will not track on equipment
- Improves quality of the road by reducing fish eyes and creating a superior adhesion to the road base
Currently is approved by ODOT for Mill and Fill and is being used for other overlay tack applications.
All components of Earthbind NTBC-41 are considered:
- Free of VOCs
- Free of hazardous solvents
- Non-flammable
- Non-corrosive to metal
- Non-hazardous waste
- Not considered to be harmful to aquatic and mammal life
- Not considered to be carcinogenic